Clever Compot Composter

The Easiest Composter You Will Ever Use

See why Compot composting composters are the most preferred composting solution by many garden lovers around the globe. That’s right we ship worldwide!

Clever Compost Bin Solution

Meet Compot’s Clever Composter: a groundbreaking solution for effortless and sustainable waste management. This innovative system handles diverse kitchen waste, including challenging items like meat, citrus, onions, oil, and dairy. 

With no need for manual turning, it discreetly reduces council waste, minimises odour, and swiftly nourishes your garden, making it a hassle-free choice for responsible waste reduction.

eco-eze compot composter

The Eco-Eze Compots

Compot’s Clever Composter make it an indispensable addition to any environmentally conscious household, effortlessly reducing waste, minimising odours, and fostering sustainable gardening practices.

  • Compost Meat, Citrus, Onions, Oil, Dairy, and anything biodegradable.
  • Reduce your council waste.
  • Discreet in your garden.
  • Easy to install or remove.
  • No hard work, no turning required.
  • Just fill, forget and refill.
  • Compost animal waste efficiently.
  • Eliminate smelly council bins.
  • Directly nourish your plants.
  • Achieve super-fast results.

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  • Go in the draw to Win Compots
  • Free ebook on composting principles by Bob James

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How To Use It

Dig A Small Hole

Plant Your Compot

Fill with all your kitchen waste

Lock on lid and Cover with anything but dirt, till ready to refill

Or Propagate Seeds

Eco-Eze Compot